Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Link Crew, high school transition programs, tutoring services, how does this all help the Freshmen students based on your experiences during the last 5 weeks. What has been frustrating for you? What has been rewarding?

The Link Crew, high school transition programs, and tutoring services all help the freshman pass there classes. It helps them buckle down and do the work that they need to do. During lunch tutoring they can do what they need to because they do not have all the disractions that a regular classroom has. Since they can get there work done, they can actually pass their classes.
Some of the kids attitudes have been frustrating. They either talk the whole time or eat the whole time. They do not take advantage of the oppertunity that they are getting. They do not do the work and they distract the other kids. Also when they skip the tutoring its frustrating. Its easy to do the lunch tutoring and it helps them a lot.
It has not really bee that reward yet. We have only been tutoring for a short time and I have not seen any results. Once the freshman start doing better in their classes and passing them then I think it will be more rewarding.

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