Thursday, March 8, 2007

This week's blog is about responsibility. What are the results of being responsible/irresponsible? How can you change your habits or the habits of others when it comes to being responsible?

When you are responsible you get rewarded more. you get more privledges when people know that they can trust you and that they can relt on you when they need you. When you are irresponsible people know that they can not trust you or rely on you for anything. When your young your parents wont give you any privledges like going out, driving, staying home alone, or anything like tha because they will not trust what you are going to do. When you are responsible then your habits will change to good ones. You will realize the bad things you are doing and your a responsible person then you will fix those problems. You will alsorealize other people's problems and try to help them.

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